Abbotsford Airport was used for road racing and drag racing until the RCAF took the facility over in 1957. The clubs which used the track then are still very much in business and now use the facilities at Mission Raceway Park.
New: 2006-02-16
Road racing used a 2.0 mile temporary circuit from 1949 through April 7th, 1957. Drag racing occured from 1952 through 1957, and the airport is claimed to be the site of the first organized drag racing in Canada.
Allan E. Brown, The History of America's Speedways: Past & Present. Comstock Park, Michigan: Brown, 2003 , ISBN 0931105617 , pp. 778. Order from National Speedway Directory |
Abbotsford Airport
Mt Lehman Road
Abbotsford, BC, Canada
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