This schedule does not attempt to be complete, but is provided as a service. Please send information on your events to Richard Welty, rwelty@krusty-motorspors.com/a>.
Eventually this page will evolve into a format similar to that of the SCCA Club Racing Schedule Page.
March 29-30 Summit Point, National Capitol Chapter
Rob Wooley, (301) 929-3BMW April 6 White Mountain Chapter (NH), NHIS Dan Guliano (dguliano@earthlink.net) June 7-8 Genesee Valley Chapter, Watkins Glen Jim Dresser, jimdresser@aol.com, (716) 624-9890 evenings & weekends. 14 Highway Safety School,Summit Point, National Capitol Chapter
Rob Wooley, (301) 929-3BMW July 9-10 Genesee Valley Chapter, Watkins Glen Jim Dresser, jimdresser@aol.com, (716) 624-9890 evenings & weekends. September 27-28 Genesee Valley Chapter, Watkins Glen Jim Dresser, jimdresser@aol.com, (716) 624-9890 evenings & weekends. October 18-19 Summit Point, National Capitol Chapter
Rob Wooley, (301) 929-3BMW
April 11-13 Putnam Park, Hoosier Chapter Todd/Kim Tiede, (317) 253-2514, fax on demand May 12 Brainerd International Raceway, Northstar Chapter June 14-15 Putnam Park, Bluegrass Bimmers, Ed McClure, (502)695-4016, emcclure@dcr.net (In conjunction with a BMW CCA Club Race)
March 23 Spring Fling Safety School/Autocross, San Diego Chapter Shawn Sullivan (619) 571-1853 May 3-4 Las Vegas School, San Diego Chapter (note date change) Rich Gehring (619) 420-6506 10 Safety School, Golden Gate Chapter Jim Grinstead, (510) 837-4428 17-18 Laguna Seca School, Golden Gate Chapter Jim Grinstead, (510) 837-4428 June 21-22 Willow Springs Raceway, Los Angeles Chapter Leif Anderberg (818) 968-7755 August 24 Safety School, Golden Gate Chapter Jim Grinstead, (510) 837-4428 September 15 Brainerd International Raceway, Northstar Chapter 27-28 Buttonwillow School, Golden Gate Chapter Jim Grinstead, (510) 837-4428 October 17-19 OktoberWest (including Driver's School) Roadrunner and Sonora Chapters Larry Peth (520) 299-3189 November 8 Safety School, Golden Gate Chapter Jim Grinstead, (510) 837-4428
May 10-11 Roebling Road, Tarheel & Toe Glen Davis 919-550-3996 August 30-31 NCMS, Rockingham NC, Tarheel & Toe Glen Davis 919-550-3996
June 7-8 Heartland Park, PCA, but BMW CCA members invited, arrangements through Kansas City Chapter September 13-14 Heartland Park, PCA, but BMW CCA members invited, arrangements through Kansas City Chapter