This file contains information on Club Racing schedules in the various SCCA Divisions for 1997. Schedules that appear this early in the year are always subject to change.
In cases where both a National and a Regional are listed at the same time and place, the Regional is often restricted to classes that do not have National status (e.g. IT, Club Ford, ASR.)
This schedule may from time to time contain information about races sanctioned by bodies other than the SCCA; these races will primarily be those of interest to SCCA members, such as Pro races that depend heavily on SCCA workers and on Club races that SCCA Drivers may wish to compete in (such as EMRA in the Northeast, the RCCA, etc.) These schedules should not be taken as gospel; changes occur right up to the last minute, and such changes may not be be reflected here.
Valvoline® Runoffs
Central Division
Mid West Division
North East Division
Northern Pacific Division
Rocky Mountain Division
South East Division
Southern Pacific Division
South West Division
The 1997 SCCA Valvoline Runoffs will be held on October 6th-12th at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course. The detailed schedule will be posted here when it becomes available during the summer of 1997.
Results from the Valvoline Runoffs will be posted on the Valvoline web site devoted to the Runoffs.
Tentative Schedule as of November 2nd, 1996. Which events are to be part of the Regional Championship Series are not yet determined.
Click Here if you are looking for results from CENDiv SCCA Races.
April 12-13 National, INR, IRP 19 Regional, INDY, IRP, Restricted, Oval, Tentative 19-20 School, Detroit Region, Waterford Hills 26 School, Chicago/BVR, Blackhawk Farms 27 Regional, Chicago/BVR, Blackhawk Farms May 3-4 School, NEO, Nelson Ledges Cancelled 3-4 Showcase National, BVR, Blackhawk Farms 17-18 Regional, Detroit, Grattan 17-18 National, MIL, Blackhawk Farms 17-18 SVRA Vintage Race, Road America 24 School, LOL, Brainerd 25-26 Double Regional, LOL, Brainerd 25-26 Double Regional, WMR, Grattan 31 School, IRO, IRP 31-(June 1st) Showcase National, OVR, Mid Ohio June 1 Regional, IRO, IRP 14-15 National, MV, Nelson Ledges Sanction Hold lifted, this race will go on as scheduled. 14-16 Double Regional, BVR, Blackhawk Farms 20-22 Longest Day, 24 Hour Enduro, Restricted Regional, NEO, Nelson Ledges Cancelled 20-22 June Sprints, Showcase National, Chicago, Road America 28-29 School/Regional, MIL, Road America July 4-6 Double Regional, CIN, Mid Ohio 4-6 TransAm, Minneapolis 5-6 Showcase National, INDY, IRP 12-13 Restricted Regional, Detroit, Waterford Hills 19-20 Chicago Historics, Road America 26-27 Double Regional, FTW, Mid Ohio 26-27 National, MIL, Road America 26-27 Restricted Regional, MIL, Road America August 2-3 Regional, SBR, Ginger Man 2-3 Double Regional, NEO, Nelson Ledges 9-10 Double School (Tentative), BVR/LOL, Blackhawk Farms 9-10 Double Regional (Tentative), BHF, Blackhawk Farms 9-10 Showcase National, DET/WMR, Grattan 9-10 Indycar/CART, Mid Ohio 16-17 Indycar/CART, Road America 23-24 National, NEO, Mid Ohio 30-31 National, LOL, Brainerd 30-1st(Sept) Double Regional, WMR, Grattan September 1st Regional, LOL, Brainerd 6-7 Regional, CHI, Road America 6-7 Double Regional, OVR, Mid Ohio 13-14 Restricted Regional, MIL, Blackhawk Farms 20-21 Regional, Regional Championship Series Runoffs, WOR, Mid Ohio 27-28 Regional, CHI, Blackhawk Farms
Note that the April Double School will be at Memphis, not at Gateway as originally listed.
Click Here if you are looking for results from MIDiv SCCA Races.
March 15-16 School/Regional, Hallett, Oklahoma Region 22-23 Regional/National, Memphis, (MiDiv IT Tour) April 5-6 Double School, Memphis, StL/MidS 19-20 Regional, Hallett, NeOk (MiDiv IT Tour) May 3-4 Double Regional, Memphis, MidS (Enduro?) 24-25 Regional/National, Heartland Park, Kan/KC (MiDiv IT Tour) June 7-8 Regional/National, Gateway, StL (MiDiv IT Tour) 14-15 School/Regional, Heartland Park, Kan/KC (with Solo I, PCDE) July 5-6 Regional/National, Hallett, Okla (MiDiv IT Tour) 12-13 Double Regional, Heartland Park, Kan/KC 19-20 Double REgional, Gateway, StL 26-27 Regional/National, Memphis, MidS (MiDiv IT Tour) August 9-10 Regional/National, Hallett, Wich (MiDiv IT Tour) 16-17 Double Regional, Heartland Park, Kan/KC (PCDE) 23-24 Regional/National, Gateway, StL (Pro Vee) 30-31 Regional/National, Heartland Park, Kan/KC (MiDiv IT Tour) September 20-21 Regional/School, Hallett, NE Ok (Mid-Am Bonus Race) October 25-26 Double Regional, Gateway, StL (MiDiv-CenDiv Challenge) NOTES: * All Regionals count as part of the Mid-Am Championship EXCEPT: --the Memphis enduro May 3 or 4 (the "short" race counts) --one of the two Aug. 16-17 races at Heartland --one of the two Oct. 25-26 races at Gateway * PCDE is Performance Car Driving Event -- entrants can run street cars on the track under a 1-on-1 instructor situation; strict passing rules, no dicing.
Click Here if you are looking for results from NEDiv SCCA Races.
March 22-23 School, WDC, Summit Point April 5-6 Regional, WDC, Summit Point 19-20 National, WDC, Summit Point May 2-3 Regional, NER, Lime Rock 3-4 Regional, Steel Cities, Connellsville 10-11 Double Regional, NNJR, Pocono 17-18 National, NYR, Bridgehampton (possible) Regional, NER, NHIS 17 School, MVR, Nelson Ledges 18 Regional, MVR, Nelson Ledges 23-24 School, Glen, Watkins Glen 24-25 Regional, Glen, Watkins Glen 24-26 National, Steel Cities, Connellsville SCCA Pro/IMSA, Lime Rock 30 School, NYR, Lime Rock 31 Regional, NYR, Lime Rock June 7-8 Regional, WDC, Summit Point 14-15 National, MVR, Nelson Ledges Restricted Regional, MVR, Nelson Ledges Regional, Glen, Watkins Glen 21-22 Regional, Tri-Region, Pocono 28 Regional, Mohawk-Hduson, Lime Rock July 4-5 National, NNJR, Lime Rock 12-13 National, FLR, Watkins Glen Regional, WDC, Summit Point 18-19 Regional, NER, Lime Rock 25-27 National, Tri-Region, Pocono 26-27 Double Regional, NER, NHIS August 2-3 Regional, Glen, Watkins Glen 9-10 National, NER, NHIS Restricted Regional, NER, NHIS 15-16 Regional, NNJR, Lime Rock 16-17 Regional, WDC, Summit Point Regional, MVR, Nelson Ledges 30-31 National, WNY, Mosport May Be Cancelled Sep (A)30-1 Double Regional, WDC, Summit Point Double Regional, NER, NHIS Restricted Regional, WNY, Mosport 13-14 Regional, FLR, Watkins Glen 20-21 Regional, WDC, Summit Point 26-27 Regional, NYR (NARRC Runoffs), Lime Rock October 4-5 Regional, Steel Cities, Connellsville 10-11?? Restricted Regional, NER, Lime Rock 18-19?? Regional (1 day?), NER, NHIS Double Regional, MVR, Nelson Ledges 25-26 Regional, WNY, Nelson Ledges School, WDC, Summit Point
Click Here if you are looking for results from NOPac SCCA Races.
March 1-2 Double School, Bremerton Airport, Northwest Region 1-2 Double School, Thunderhill, San Francisco Region (SFR) 7-8 Double School, Portland International Raceway, Oregon 8-9 Regional, Sears Point, SFR 8-9 Regional, Bremerton Airport, NWR 15-16 Regional/Solo I, Laguna Seca, SFR April 4-5 Regional, Portland Intl. Raceway, Oregon (Probable Double Regional, but not officially confirmed yet) 12-13 National/Regional/Nasport, Thunderhill, SFR May 1-4 Restricted Regional, Sears Point, SFR, GTA Race in conjunction with NASCAR 3-4 Regional, Portland International Raceway, Oregon (w/ACRL & Star Mazda contract pending) 10-11 Regional, Thunderhill, SFR 17-18 Wine Country Historics, Sears Point 24-26 Double National, Seattle International Raceway, NWR w/Montana Region May/June 31-1 Regional, Bremerton Airport, NWR June 7-8 Regional, Laguna Seca, SFR 13-15 Rose Cup Races (R/N), Portland International Raceway, Oregon 20-22 Double Regional, Sears Point, SFR 28-29 Pro (tentative), Seattle International Raceway, NWR 28-29 National/Restricted Regional (GTA), Laguna Seca, SFR July 4-6 Great American Weekend, Portland International Raceway, Oregon (minimum of R/N, awaiting BOD vote regarding Dbl Nat) (includes largest fireworks display West of the Mississippi 1mi from track on 7/4) 5-6 School/Solo I, Thunderhill, SFR 11-13 ACRL, Sears Point, SFR (in conjunction with IMSA) August 8-10 National/Regional (Restricted Nasport/FM?), Sears Point, SFR 15-17 Monterey Historics, Laguna Seca 23-24 Regional, Thunderhill, SFR September 6-7 Double Regional, Portland International Raceway, Oregon 12-14 PCRRC (Regional?), Sears Point, SFR 27-28 Regional, Thunderhill, SFR October 3-5 Restricted Regional (Star Mazda), Sears Point, SFR (In conjunction with NASCAR Trucks) 11-12 Vintage, Laguna Seca 25-26 Regional, Bremerton Airport, NWR
Click Here if you are looking for results from RMDiv SCCA Races.
Date Track Region Race Type Other Information March 8 "Fun Fair", Second Creek, Colorado region (To explain SCCA to non members) April 5 School, Second Creek, Colorado region 6 Regional, Second Creek, Colorado region April 12-13 Crash & Burn School, Pikes Peak International Raceway (Training on emergency procedures) 26 School, Pikes Peak International Raceway, Continental Divide Region 27 Regional, Pikes Peak International Raceway, Continental Divide Region May 18 Regional, Second Creek, Colorado region 31 Regional, Second Creek, Colorado region June 1 National, Second Creek, Colorado region 21 Regional, La Junta, Continental Divide Region 22 National, La Junta, Continental Divide Region July Regional, Second Creek, Colorado region 5 6 National, Second Creek, Colorado region 19 Regional, Pueblo Motorsports Park, Colorado Region 20 National, Pueblo Motorsports Park, Colorado Region August 16-17 Regional, Second Creek, Colorado region (Benefit for Children's Hospital) 30-31 Double National, Stapleton International Airport, Colorado Region September 20/21 Double Regional, Pueblo Motorsports Park, Continental Divide Region October 18 School, Stapleton International Airport, Colorado Region 19 Enduro, Stapleton International Airport, Colorado Region
Click Here if you are looking for results from SEDiv SCCA Races.
This section has not yet been completely converted to the "standard" format, but has been distributed anyway.
January 4-5 National (new course), CFR, Sebring 11-12 National, FL, Moroso, FL 18-19 Crash and Burn School, ATL, Road Atlanta 25-26 SEDiv Annual Meeting, Jekyll Island, GA February 15-16 Regional & Vintage, CFR, Sebring, FL 15-16 School, BUC, Roebling Road, GA 15-16 National/ECR, FL, Moroso, FL 21-23 TransAm (St Pete Gran Prix), CFR, St. Petersburg, FL 22-23 School, ATL, Road Atlanta, GA March 1-2 National/Restricted Regional (Pro IT), ATL, Road Atlanta, GA 8-9 Tom Nehl National, Buc, Roebling Road, GA 12-15 IMSA, 12 Hours of Sebring, Sebring, FL 15-16 Double Regional (ECR), NCR, Rockingham, NC 22-23 National, CCR, Charlotte, NC 29-30 Solo I, CFR, Sebring, FL April 5-6 Regional, SARRC/ECR/Pro IT, ATL, Road Atlanta, GA 12-13 School, CFR, Daytona 19-20 Double Regional, SARRC, BUC, Roebling Road, GA IMSA, Road Atlanta, GA 26-27 Hill Climb, CCR, Beech Mtn., NC May 3-4 National, CFR, ECR/Vintage, Daytona 3-4 Double Regional, SARRC, NCR, Rockingham 10-11 Regional, FL, Moroso 17-18 Regional, SARRC, SCR, Roebling Road 24-26 National/Pro IT, ATL, Road Atlanta June 7-8 Regional/Vintage, CFR, Sebring 7-8 Regional, SARRC/ECR/Pro IT, ATL, Road Atlanta 7-8 School, FL, Moroso 14-15 National, NCR, Rockingham 21-22 Regional, FL, Homestead 28-29 Regional, Double SARRC, CCR, Charlotte July 4-6 Double National Roebling Road, GA SeDiv SE 12-13 Drivers School Sebring, FL CFR SE 12-13 Regional /Pro IT Road Atlanta, GA ATL SE 19-20 SARRC/ECR Charlotte, NC CCR SE 19-20 Regional Moroso, FL FL SE August 9-10 Double SARRC Daytona, FL CFR SE 9-10 SOLO I Road Atlanta, GA ATL SE 16-17 SARRC/ECR Roebling Road, GA SCR SE 30-31 Regional/ECR/Vintage Sebring, FL CFR SE August-September 30-1 Double SARRC/Pro IT Road Atlanta, GA ATL SE September 20-21 Regional Moroso, FL FL SE 20-21 SOLO I & ECR Charlotte, NC CCR SE 27-28 SIC Roebling Road, GA BUC SE October 4-5 IMSA Finale Sebring, FL CFR SE 11-12 Regional/ECR/Vintage Sebring, FL CFR SE 11-12 SOLO I Talladega, AB ALB SE 23-25 SCCA Pro ? Sebring, FL CFR SE 23-26 ARRC (Pro IT Finale) Road Atlanta, GA ATL SE November 8-9 SOLO I Sebring, FL CFR SE 8-9 ECR Roebling Road, GA BUC SE 8-9 Regional/98 SARRC Homestead, FL FL SE 22-23 SOLO I Roebling Road, GA SCR SE 29-30 Regional/Vintage/98 SARRC Sebring, FL CFR SE December 26-28 24 Hour Enduro Moroso, FL FL SE Legend... ARRC - Atlantic Road Racing Championship annual event for Pro IT cars ECR - Endurance Championship Racing (regional series) Enduro - A timed event of at least one hour in length (normally) MARRS - Mid Atlantic Road Racing Championship (regional series) NASport - North American Sedan racing series Pro SR - A "for money" series for "Spec Racing" cars (SRF - Spec Racers - Ford powered) SARRC - South Atlantic Road Racing Championship (regional series) SIC - Southeast Division's annual championship event (regional series) SOLO I - High speed competition against the clock Vintage - "just what it says" type of event Return to top of page
Click Here if you are looking for results from SOPac SCCA Races.
January 18th National, Phoenix, Arizona Region February 1st National/Regional, Holtville, San Diego Region 15th Double Regional, Las Vegas, Las Vegas/Arizona Regions 22nd Regional, Willow Springs, Cal Club School, Streets of Willow Springs, Cal Club March 1st Regional, Holtville, San Diego 8th Double Regional, Las Vegas, Las Vegas Region 15th National/Regional, Firebird, Arizona Region 22nd Regional, Buttonwillow, Cal Club April 5th Regional, Holtville, San Diego 26th Regional, Buttonwillow, Cal Club May 3rd Double Regional, Phoenix, Arizona 17th Double Regional, Las Vegas, Las Vegas Region 24th Regional/National, Willow Springs, Cal Club June 7th School, Buttonwillow, Cal Club August 30th Regional/National, Buttonwillow, Cal Club September 6th Double Regional, Las Vegas, Las Vegas Region 20th Regional, Buttonwillow, Cal Club 27th School/Regional, Phoenix, Arizona October 18th School/Regional, Buttonwillow, Cal Club 25th School/Regional, Holtville, San Diego November 1th Regional (Enduro), Buttonwillow, Cal Club 8th Double Regional, Las Vegas, Las Vegas Region 15th Double Regional (oval), Phoenix, Arizona December 6th Double Regional, Holtville, San Diego 13th Double Regional, Firebird, Arizona Region
Click Here if you are looking for results from SWDiv SCCA Races.
Updated 4/8/97 -- Regional/National scheduled for Lone Star Region in Late May has a date & venue change.
January 18-19 School/Regional, South Texas Border Region, Cabaniss Naval Airfield February 8-9 Pro Rally Texas Region 14-16 Double National, Texas Region, Texas World Speedway March 1-2 School/Regional, Houston Region, Texas World Speedway 15-16 Regional/National, Texas Region, Texas World Speedway April 5-6 Regional/National, Houston Region,Texas World Speedway 26-27 Regional/National, South Texas Border Region, Cabaniss Naval Airfield May/June 31-1 Regional/National, Lone Star Region, Texas World Speedway June 14-15 Regional/National, Texas Region, Abilene Municipal Airport July 4-6 Pro Rally, Texas Region 26-27 Regional/National, Houston Region, Texas World Speedway August 30-31 Regional/National, Texas Region, Texas World Speedway (will be cancelled if there is a Dallas Grand Prix that weekend) November 1-2 School/Regional, Texas Region, TBA 29-30 Enduro/Regional, Houston Region, Texas World Speedway