Bonneville Salt Flats is the famous site of many, many land speed record attempts. The annual return to Bonneville is organized and operated by SCTA-BNI, a cooperative organization run under the umbrella of the Southern California Timing Association. Additional racing at other times is sanctioned by the Utah Salt Flats Racing Association.
New: 2006-01-10 Last Updated: 2006-01-12
An interesting photo essay on early LSR racing at Bonneville may be found Here.
Bonneville Salt Flats
Salt Flats Road
Wendover, UT 84083
SCTA-BNI Office:
P.O. Box 10
Orosi, CA 93647
559-528-6279 (office)
559-528-9749 (fax)
The Google Map link shows the racing area. Pits are generally located on the lower left corner of the image, near the Bonneville exit from the highway. The racing surface generally runs from the southwest corner of the area shown to the northeast, and back (LSR runs must be backed by a run in the opposite direction.)
For information on how these aerial images work, Click Here.
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From the marked intersection on the Yahoo! Map, head east on Salt Flats Road to the pits area.
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