GrandSport Speedway is complex consisting of a road course for full sized cars and a 7/10 mile sprint course for karts, located at a WWII vintage blimp base southwest of Hitchcock, Texas. The location is the site of schools offered by Racing Adventures.
New: 2005-06-27 Last Updated: 2007-07-06
The kart track has operated for some years. The road course for full sized cars opened in July of 2007.
GrandSport Speedway
7555 FM 2004 Rd # 3
Hitchcock, TX 77563
GrandSport Speedway
8776 East Shea Blvd B3A-117
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
At the time the TerraServer and Google images were made, only the Kart Track was in operation.
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