Carroll's Grove Speedway was a 1/5 mile dirt oval located northeast of Troy, NY just off of NY 7.
New: 2019-08-29
The track ran for only one year, 1950. America's Speedways dates are a bit uncertain, but Bob Miller is very specific. In 1951, a new NYS blue law forbidding Sunday stock car racing took effect. The law was ruled unfair and antiquated by the NY supreme court but the 1951 Sunday racing season was wiped out statewide. The owner planned to resume racing in 1952 but it never happened.
Bob Miller Article (see offsite links)
Allan E. Brown, The History of America's Speedways: Past & Present. Comstock Park, Michigan: Brown, 2003 , ISBN 0931105617 , pp. 481. Order from National Speedway Directory |
Carroll's Grove Speedway
Carrolls Grove Road
Troy, NY 12180
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The track was on the south side of Carrolls Grove Road just east of NY 7. The site is not really visible from the road.
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