NOLA Motorsports Park is a complex containing a multi-configuration road course and a separate kart track. It is scheduled to open in June 2011.
The track design is by Alan Wilson.
New: 2011-02-07
There are two sets of track maps available, and one set of satellite imagery.
The first track map set is a Flickr set maintained by the NOLA Motorsports Park, accessible Here.
The second set of maps are from Wilson Motorsport, copyright by
Wilson Motorsport,
and used with permission.
Road Course:
Kart Course:
Here is an aerial photo of the track under construction,
courtesy of the track office:
You may also wish to try using the Yahoo! Search as it may produce current news items.
This Google Map link is an experimental one using latitude and longitude
instead of a physical address or nearby intersection.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.