Dirtona RaceWay is a 3/8 mile semi-banked dirt oval located north of Hugoton, Kansas.
New: 2005-12-25
Dirtona Raceway
US 56
Hugoton, KS 67951
620-544-2730 (track)
620-544-7771 (office)
620-544-4141 (fax)
The terra server image shows the location in 1991, and the current track has not yet been constructed. The Google image is much more recent, but low res, so you can see the track, but not very clearly.
For information on how these aerial images work, Click Here.
You may also wish to try using the Yahoo! Search as it may produce current news items.
The track is on the other side of US-56 from the marked intersection on the Yahoo! Map.
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