Adams County Speedway is a 1/2 mile, semi-banked dirt oval located in the Adams County fairgrounds near Corning, Iowa.
New: 2004-04-23 Last Updated: 2011-02-06
The horse track at the fairgrounds was used from 1922 through 1931, and in 1940. Post WWII the track reopened around August of 1958. The track did not run in 1968 as the front straight wall needed to be replaced. In 1970, the flat turns were built up into mild banking and the name Adams County Speedway was adapted.
Allan E. Brown, The History of America's Speedways: Past & Present. Comstock Park, Michigan: Brown, 2003 , ISBN 0931105617 , pp. 299. Order from National Speedway Directory |
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From the junction of US 34 with Iowa 148, take Iowa 148 north just short of a mile. Then, turn right (east) on 12th Street and continue to the fairgrounds.
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