Arrowhead Speedway is a 1/3 mile semi-banked dirt oval located on the Montezuma County Fairgrounds on the east side of Cortez, Colorado.
The track has suspended its 2007 season. Future plans of operation are unknown.
New: 2006-01-09 Last Updated: 2007-05-21
The track opened in 1986 as a 1/4 mile dirt oval. It was enlarged to 3/8 mile in 1995. The track has previously operated as Montezuma County Fairgrounds Speedway, Fairgrounds Raceway and Fairgrounds Speedway.
Arrowhead Speedway
Montezuma County Fairgrounds
Cortez, CO 81321
Arrowhead Speedway
P.O. Box 31
Kirtland, NM 87417
505-793-7333 (office)
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