Scotia Speedworld is a 3/10 mile D-Shaped oval located across the highway from Halifax International Airport, north of Halifax Nova Scotia. Banking is 10 degrees in the corners and 2 degrees on the straights.
The Atlantic Motorsports Karting Association uses a course on the two straights and coned off sections in the pit area.
New: 2006-02-22 Last Updated: 2006-03-18
The track opened in May 1987. The original oval was reshaped at some point into the current D-shaped track. Older photos show a infield karting road course, but this appears to have been retired when the pits were expanded and improved into the current configuration. The karters now use the straights on the oval and coned off areas in the infield.
Scotia Speedworld
Bell Blvd
Enfield, NS, Canada
902-873-2277 (hotline)
902-481-2514 (office)
902-468-3591 (fax)
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The track is on Bell Boulevard on the west side of Highway 102.
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