There are a variety of licenses that may be needed or desireable for differing types of involvement in SCCA Solo Competition. Procedures for obtaining these licenses vary. All SCCA licenses require full SCCA membership.
Solo I has license requirements for both workers and for competitors; these are somewhat different from those for Club Racing.
For Solo I competition, SCCA members may obtain a Solo I Novice Permit by submitting the medical history section of the SCCA Medical form, an application form, and a fee of $25 to SCCA Central Licensing. The holder of a Solo I Novice permit may participate in "novice approved" Solo I events, and in SCCA Solo I school. After taking the School and competing in three suitable Solo I events, the Novice Permit holder may then apply for a Solo I driver's license.
Holders of Club Racing competition licenses may participate in Solo I events without going through the Solo I licensing process.
Workers at Solo I events must hold Solo I worker licenses or must have logbooks; Solo I worker licenses are issued by the Solo I Steward based on experience. Holders of Club Racing worker specialty licenses of the Divisional or National grades may work in their corresponding Solo I specialties. A Solo I Logbook holder appears to be the equivalent of a Club Racing Official with a Regional grade of license.
Solo I has two grades of Safety Steward; these are considered as steps above the Solo II Safety Steward in that experience in Solo I is required, which involves higher speed and potentially more difficult crowd control problems. For more information, see the 1996 Solo I & II Rules, which are available from the National office.
Solo Trials are a new program and information is still not widely available. For information on Solo Trials, contact the Rally/Solo Department at the National Office .
Solo II is less license intensive than Solo I, in keeping with its grassroots nature. A Solo II Drivers License is offered, but its primary purpose is to put the holder on the top tier of the SCCA insurance policy, a goal which is equally well served by checking the "Crew License" box on the SCCA membership renewal form.
The principal SCCA license of interest in Solo II is the Solo II Safety Steward license. It is required that all SCCA-sanctioned Solo II events have a licensed Safety Steward on hand, and that the Safety Steward approve the course and any arrangements for control over site access. It is further required that a licensed Safety Steward be on duty at all times (either the Chief Safety Steward or a deputy) while cars are on the course.
To obtain a Solo II Safety Steward License, one must attend a seminar offered by a certified instructor. At this time, an application form will be filled out that will be sent to Central Licensing at the National Office , and a Safety Steward Logbook will be issued. One must then work two events as an Assistant Safety Steward, and get the appropriate Logbook entries filled out. The logbook should then be mailed to the National office for processing, and a Solo II Safety Stewards license will be issued. One must work two events per year as a Solo II Safety Steward, either as Chief or Deputy, in order to retain a license.