In cases where both a National and a Regional are listed at the same time and place, the Regional is probably restricted to classes that do not have National status (e.g. IT, Club Ford, ASR.)
This schedule may from time to time contain information about races sanctioned by bodies other than the SCCA; these races will primarily be those of interest to SCCA members, such as Pro races that depend heavily on SCCA workers and on Club races that SCCA Drivers may wish to compete in (such as EMRA in the Northeast, the RCCA, etc.) These schedules should not be taken as gospel; changes occur right up to the last minute, and such changes may not be be reflected here.
March 19 Sears Point Raceway, Sonoma, California Postponed New date is October 5th-7th May 6 Phoenix International Raceway, Phoenix, Arizona May 21 Mosport Park, Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada May 29 Lime Rock Park, Lakeville, Conneticut June 10 ITT Automotive Detroit Grand Prix, Detroit Michigan (Belle Isle) June 18 Portland International Raceway, Portland Oregon July 8 Road America, Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin July 22 Grand Prix of Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio, Burke Lakefront Airport August 6 Player's Ltee. Grand Prix de Trois-Rivieres Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada August 12 Bud at the Glen, Watkins Glen International, Watkins Glen, NY August 27 Road Atlanta, Braselton, Georgia Sept 10 Grand Prix of Dallas, Dallas, Texas (postponed) October Sears Point Raceway, Sonoma, California 5th-7th (New date)
March 4th Miami, Florida April 1st Phoenix, Arizona (Tentative) 8th Long Beach, California (Tentative) 22nd Nazareth, Pennsylvania (Tentative) June 3rd Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Tentative) June 10th Montreal, Quebec July 8th Road America, Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin (Tentative) 15th Toronto, Ontario August 6th Trois-Rivieres, Quebec August 12th Mid-Ohio, Lexington, Ohio (Tentative) September 2nd Vancouver, British Columbia 9th Laguna Seca, Monterey, California
January 14th-15th Moroso, Florida April 22nd-23rd Gateway, St. Louis July 8th-9th Indianapolis Raceway Park 22nd-23rd Blackhawk Farms
The June 16th/17th Watkins Glen race has been added to the NARRC schedule, the first ever NARRC race at the Glen.
Note that in general Lime Rock dates are Friday-Saturday, not Saturday-Sunday, with some exceptions such as the Tuesday, July 4th Regional.
richard (rwelty@wizvax.net)
March 25-26 School, Wdc/Summit Point April 21-23 School, NER/NHIS 22-23 Regional, Wdc/Summit Point Indy-SCCA Pro, Nazareth 28-29 Regional New England Region/Lime Rock, NERRC, NARRC 29-30 Regional Steel Cities-Western NY/Nelson Ledges May 6-7 National NYR/Bridgehampton 12 School Tri-region Pocono 13-14 National Steel Cities-Mahoney Vallye, Nelson Ledges Regional NNJR/Pocono (Double), NARRC, NYSRRC 20-21 Regional Central NY/Watkins Glen, NYSRRC 27-28 National New England Region/NHIS SCCA Trans-Am, IMSA WSC/Both @ Lime Rock 29 Regional New England Region/NHIS, NERRC June 2 School NY Region/Lime Rock 3 Regional NY Region/Lime Rock, NARRC Regional Wdc/Summit Point, MARRS 10-11 F1 Montreal, Indy Detroit, SCCA Pro Detroit 17-18 National Wdc/Summit Point Regional Glen Region/Watkins Glen, NARRC Regional Western NY/Mosport Longest Day (24 hours), Nelson Ledges 23-25 Regional TriRegion/Pocono, MARRS Regional Mahoney Valley Region/Nelson Ledges, Restricted School Mahoney Valley-NorthEast Ohio/Nelson Ledges 24-25 NASCAR/IMSA Watkins Glen June 30th-July 1st National NNJR/Lime Rock July 4 Regional Mohud/Lime Rock, NARRC, NYSRRC 8-9 Regional Wdc/Summit Point, MARRS 14-15 Regional New England Region/Lime Rock NARRC, NERRC 15-16 National Finger Lakes Region/Watkins Glen Indy/SCCA Pro Toronto Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix 22-23 Indy/SCCA Pro Cleveland 29-30 National TriRegion/Pocono Regional Glen Region/Watkins Glen, NYSRRC, MARRS Regional New England Region/NHIS, NARRC, NERRC August 5-6 NASCAR Indy SCCA Pro Trois 11 School NER/NHIS 12-13 Regional NER/NHIS, NARRC, NERRC Regional Wdc/Summit Point, MARRS, tentative Indy, SCCA Pro/Mid-Ohio NASCAR, SCCA Pro/Watkins Glen 18-19 Regional NNJR/Lime Rock, NARRC, NYSRRC 19-20 Regional Steel Cities/Nelson Ledges Indy, SCCA Pro NHIS 25-26 School Glen Region/Watkins Glen 26-27 Regional Glen Region/Watkins Glen, NYSRRC September 2-3 National Western NY/Mosport 2-4 Regional Wdc/Summit Point, MARRS, Double Regional NER/NHIS, NARRC, NERRC, Double 9-10 Regional New York Region/Bridgehampton, NARRC 16-17 Regional Glen Region/Watkins Glen, NYSRRC 23-24 Regional Wdc/Summit Point 29-30 New York Region/Lime Rock, NARRC Runoffs (double points) October 7-15 Valvoline Runoffs, Mid-Ohio 13-14 NASCAR BGN/Lime Rock Restricted Regional NER/Lime Rock (AS, IT) 21-22 NER/NHIS NE Ohio?-Mahoney Valley/Nelson Ledges, Double 28-29 Regional Western NY/Nelson Ledges, NYSRRC School Wdc/Summit Point NARRC == North Atlantic Road Racing Championship NYSRRC == New York State Road Racing Championship NERRC == New England Road Racing Championship MARRS == Mid Atlantic Road Racing Championship
1995 SE Division Regional SCCA Schedule
disclaimer: Schedules subject to change, refer to "Sports Car" for more accurate dates and contacts.
SCCA: 1995 South East Division Schedule Key to Regional Series Abbreviations: SARRC= South Atlantic Road Racing Championship MARRS= South Atlantic Road Racing Series ECR= Endurance Championship Race (1.5 hour series) ARRC= American Road Racing Championship (Regional Runoffs) February 4-5 School, ATL/Atlanta 25-26 Regional, CFR/Sebring, SARRC March 4-5 Regional, CCar/Charlotte, SARRC/SARRC 11-12 School, Bucc/Roebling Rd. 18-19 Regional, NCar/Rockingham, SARRC/ECR/ECR 25-26 Regional, CRF/Sebring April 1-2 Regional, ATL/Atlanta, SARRC/ECR/Pro IT 8-9 School, CFR/Daytona 15-16 Regional, Bucc/Roebling Rd., SARRC/SARRC 15-16 National/Regional, FLA, Moroso 28-30 Hill Climb, CCar, Chimney Rock May 6-7 Regional, NCar/Rockingham SARRC/SARRC/Oval 27-28 National/Restricted Regional, ATL/Atlanta (Pro IT) June 3-4 Regional, CFR/Sebring 10-11 Regional, ATL/Atlanta, SARRC/ECR/Pro IT 17-18 School, FLA/Moroso 24-25 Regional, CCar/Charlotte, SARRC July 8-9 School, CFR/Sebring 8-9 Regional, ETenn/Charlotte SARRC/ECR 22-23 School, NCar/Rockingham 22-23 Regional, FLA/Moroso 29-30 Regional, ATL/Atlanta (Pro IT) August 5-6 School, Regional, CCAR/Charlotte ECR 12-13 Regional, SCar/Roebling Rd. SARRC/ECR 12-13 Regional, FLA/Homestead 19-20 Regional, CFR/Daytona SARRC/SARRC 19-20 National/Restricted Regional, ATL/Atanta (ProIT) September 2-4 Regional, ATL/Atlanta SARRC/SARRC/Pro IT 2-3 Regional, CFR/Sebring (12-hour Regional) 9-10 Regional, Bucc/Roebling Rd. SARRC 23-24 Regional, FLA/Moroso SARRC 28-Oct 1 Regional (Special Event), ATL/Atlanta ARRC [The American Road Race of Champions is intended as a major event for SCCA cars which are in regional-only classes. For a press release about the event, click here October 7-8 Regional, CFR/Sebring 7-8 School, FLA/Moroso 28-29 Regional, Bucc/Roebling Rd. SARRC IC November 11-12 Regional, FLA/Homestead ECR 28-29 Regional, CFR/Sebring ERC **************************************************************************** * Doug Christensen SCCA Spec Ford #89, Scirocco 16V, Dandee Pocket Bike * * doug_christensen@pts.mot.com Motorola Paging Group (407)364-3915 * * * * "When I'm racing, I'm alive. Everthing else * * is just waiting." Steve McQueen, Le Mans. * * * * These opinions do not reflect those of my employer. * ****************************************************************************
SCCA Schools at Willow Springs are held on "The Streets of Willow Springs".
The April 29th/30th event at Holtville has been postponed.
January 14th-16th Double National, Phoenix International Raceway (PIR) 28th-29th Regional/School, Hawaii Regional, Las Vegas February 4th-5th Regional/School, Holtville (California) 11th-12th Sportsman, Willow Springs (California) 11th Regional, Firebird 12th National, Firebird 25th-26th Regional/School, Willow Springs March 4th-5th Regional, Holtville 11th Regional, Firebird 11th-12th Sportsman, Willow Springs 25th-26th Pro/Regional/Solo I, Willow Springs April 1st-2nd National/Restricted Regional, Holtville 2nd Regional, Hawaii 8th-9th Sportsman, Willow Springs 29th-30th Regional, Night, Holtville (POSTPONED to next year) May 5th-6th SCCA TransAm (night?) 13th-14th Sportsman, Willow Springs 20th Regional, Vegas 27th-29th National/Regional/School, Willow Springs June 10th-11th Sportsman, Willow Springs 18th Regional, Hawaii 24th-25th Regional/Solo I, Willow Springs August 5th School, Hawaii 6th Regional, Hawaii September 2nd-4th National/Regional, Willow Springs 9th-10th Sportsman, Willow Springs 23th Regional/School, Willow Springs October 14th-15th Sportsman, Willow 14th Regional, Vegas 21th-22th Regional (Enduro), Willow 28th-29th Regional/School, Holtville November 11th Regional, Vegas 11th-12th Sportsman, Willow 18th Regional, PIR (oval) 26th Regional, Hawaii December 2nd-3rd Double Regional, Holtville 9th Regional/School, Firebird
February 17-19 Double National (STBR) / Cabaniss March 11-12 Regional/National (Houston) / TWS 25-26 Restricted Regional (Texas) / TWS April 22-23 Regional National (STBR) / Cabaniss Cancelled May 27-28 Regional/National (Lone Star) / TWS June 17-18 Regional/National (Texas) / Abilene July 15-16 School/Regional (Houston) / TWS August 19-20 Regional/National (Houston) / TWS September 2-3 Regional/National (Texas) / TWS November 11-12 School/Regional (Texas) / TWS December 2-3 School/Regional (Houston) / TWS
Allegedly final as of January 1, 1995
Bill Wagner.
Changes noted as of June 2nd, 1995: different venues for July 8/9 race, July 23rd race, Gingerman race no longer tentative.
** See below for key to tracks. Format is "Region @ Racetrack" March 11-12, 1995 Stwds/Wkrs Seminar @ Chicago (Sheraton - Northbrook,= IL) April 15-16, 1995 National - INR @ IRP April 22-23, 1995 School - DET @ WAT Professional - IMSA @ IRP April 29-30, 1995 School - CHI & BVR @ BHF Regional - CHI & BVR @ BHF (Reg'l Champ Series) May 6-7, 1995 National - BVR @ BHF (Showcase) May 20-21, 1995 Vintage - SVRA @ RA National - MIL @ BHF Regional - NEO @ NL (Restricted) May 27-29, 1995 Regional - WMR @ GRA (Double) (Reg'l Champ Series) Regional - LOL @ BIR (Double) (Reg'l Champ Series) School - LOL @ BIR June 3-4, 1995 Professional - Indycars @ Milwaukee Professional - AMA @ M-O June 10-11, 1995 Professional - AMA @ RA Professional - Indycars @ Detroit National - OVR @ M-O (Showcase) June 17-18, 1995 Professional - Des Moines GP Regional - NEO @ NL (Restricted) June 24-25, 1995 National - CHI @ RA (Showcase) School - Quad Regions @ NL Professional - ASA @ BIR Professional - SVRA @ M-O July 1-2, 1995 Regional - CINCY @ M-O (Reg'l Champ Series) Regional - BVR @ BHF (Reg'l Champ Series) July 8-9, 1995 Professional - Indycars @ RA National - INDY @ IRP (Showcase) Regional - Det @ WAT (Reg'l Champ Series) **CHANGED** July 15 & 16, 1995 Regional - FWR @ M-O (Reg'l Champ Series) Regional - MIL @ RA (Reg'l Champ Series) School - MIL @ RA July 22-23, 1995 Vintage - Chicago Historics @ RA Professional - Indycars @ Cleveland Regional - DET @ MIS (Restricted) (Reg'l Champ Series) July 29-30, 1995 National - MIL @ RA Regional - MIL @ RA (Restricted-IT) (Reg'l Champ Series) Regional - DET, SBR & WMR @ GM (Restricted) August 5-6, 1995 Professional - IMSA @ BIR Professional - F-1 Bikes @ RA Regional - NEO @ NL (Restricted) (Double) August 12-13, 1995 Professional - Indycars @ M-O National - DET & WMR @ GRA (Showcase) August 19-20, 1995 Regional - IRO @ IRP (Reg'l Champ Series) School - IRO @ IRP Professional - SODA @ RA August 26-27, 1995 National - NEO @ M-O September 2-4, 1995 National - LOL @ BIR (Showcase) Regional - LOL @ BIR (Reg'l Champ Series) Regional - WMR & SBR @ GRA (Double) (Reg'l Champ= Series) September 9-10, 1995 Regional - OVR @ M-O (Reg'l Champ Series) Regional - CHI @ RA (Restricted) (Reg'l Champ= Series) September 16-17, 1995 Regional - MIL @ BHF (Restricted) School - NEO @ NL September 23-24, 1995 Regional - WOR Games @ M-O (Reg'l Champ Series) Sept 30-Oct 1, 1995 Regional Runoffs=AE - CHI @ BHF Tracks - WAT - Waterford Hills GRA - Grattan M-O - Mid-Ohio BHF - Blackhawk Farms PUT - Putnam BIR - Brainard RA - Road America IRP - Indianapolis Raceway Park NL - Nelson Ledges MIS - Michigan International Speedway GM - Ginger Man TOL - Toledo Speedway
April 1st School, Second Creek 2nd Regional, Second Creek 22nd Regional, La Junta 23rd National, La Junta May 6th School, Pueblo 7th Regional, Pueblo 27th Double National, Pueblo June 16th National, Pueblo 17th Regional, Pueblo July 15th School, TBA 16th Regional, TBA August 5th Double Regional, Second Creek 19th Regional, La Junta 20th National, La Junta September 2nd Regional, Second Creek 3rd National, Second Creek 23rd Double Regional, Pueblo
March 18th-19th Double School, Hallett, Oklahoma 25th National/Regional, Memphis, Tennesee April 1st Regional/School, Gateway (St. Louis) 8th Double Regional, Hallett 22nd National/Regional, Gateway 29th School, Heartland Park May 27th National/Regional, Heartland Park, Kansas 27th-28th Regional/School, Memphis June 3rd Regional/School, Gateway 10th National, Hallett July 1st National/Regional, Hallett 8th Double Regional, Heartland Park 15th Double Regional, Gateway 29th National/Regional, Memphis August 12th National/Regional, Hallett 19th Double Regional, Heartland Park 26th National, Gatewayp September 2nd National/Regional, Heartland Park 16th Double Regional, Gateway 23rd Regional/School, Hallett October 29th Regional, Gateway
For further info on Portland International Raceway, contact Bob Kehoe via email (bob@db1.ncube.com (Bob Kehoe)).
February 4th School, Sears Point (California) 18th School, Sears Point March 3rd-4th Regional, School, Solo II, PIR (Portland International Raceway) 4th School, Bremerton (Washington) 11th Regional, Sears Point 18th Regional/School, Bremerton CSCC Driver Training, PIR 25th TC Driver Training, PIR April 1st Regional, Thunderhill (California) 1st-2nd School, Regional, Solo II, PIR 8th National, Thunderhill 16th Regional, Laguna Seca (California) 22nd-23rd CSCC Races (Conference), PIR May 4th Regional, Sears Point 6th-7th Regional, School, Solo II, PIR 13th Vintage, Sears Point 20th Regional, Laguna Seca 27th National, Seattle June 2nd Shelby club, PIR 3rd TC Driver Training, PIR 10th Regional, Bremerton 10th-11th CSCC Races (Conference), PIR 16th-18th Rose Cup/SCCA National,Regional/TransAm, PIR 17th Regional, Laguna Seca 23rd Double Regional, Sears Point 23rd-25th IndyCars, PIR July 1st Regional, Thunderhill 1st-2nd Regional, Solo II, PIR 7th-9th Historics, PIR 8th National/Regional, Laguna Seca 8th Regional, Bremerton 14th Regional, Sears Point CSCC Driver Training, PIR 15th-16th CSCC Races (Conference), PIR 21st-23rd IMSA, PIR August 4th-6th National/Regional, Solo II, PIR 7th-11th Porsche Parade, PIR 11th National/Regional Sears Point 12th TC Driver Training, PIR 25th-27th WERA Pro Motorcycle Races, PIR September 8th-10th Regional, Solo II, PIR 15th Regional, Sears Point Shelby club, PIR 16th-17th CSCC Races (Conference), PIR 30th Regional, Thunderhill Regional, Bremerton October 7th Vintage, Laguna Seca 13th-14th CSCC 6-hr enduro, PIR 14th Regional, Evergreen 20th Regional, Solo II, PIR 21st TC Driver Training, PIR 28th Regional, Sears Point November 4th CSCC Driver Training, PIR 11th Regional, Sears Point (Enduro) 25th Regional, Thunderhill (Enduro) CSCC - Cascade Sports Car Club (ICSCC) TC - Team Continental (ICSCC)
January 28th-29th Sebring, Florida March 25th-26th Bronson Field, Pensacola, Florida April 8th-9th Talladega (School), Alabama 28th-30th Chimney Rock Hillclimb May 27th-28th Skelly Field, Alabama? July 8th-9th Road Atlanta August 5th-6th Talladega September 23rd-24th Skelly Field October 28th-29th Sebring November 18th-19th Roebling Road, Georgia
February 25th-26th Jacksonville, Florida March 18th-19th San Diego, California April 1st-2nd College Station, TX (Tentative) 8th-9th Little Rock, Arkansas 22nd-23rd Los Angeles, California May 20th-21st Norfolk, Virginia (Tentative; site problems) June 3rd-4th Toledo, Ohio 17th-18th Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (Farm Show Complex ? Tentative) July 29th-30th Wendover, Utah August 19th-20th Denver, Colorado September 2nd-3rd Topeka, Kansas
March 4th-5th San Diego, California May 6th-7th Atlanta, Georgia June 24th-25th Boston, Massachusetts July 1st-2nd Evansville, Indiana 15th-16th Seattle, Washington August 12th-13th Denver, Colorado
June 24th-25th Divisional, Wendover Utah July 15th-16th NorthEast Division Championship, Harrisburg PA (Farm Show Complex)
Feburary 11th Sandhills Sandblast, Cheraw, South Carolina March 18th-19th Doo Wop III & IV, Olympia, Washington April 7th-8th Sunriser 400, Chillicothe, Ohio 21st-22nd Wild, Wild West, Olympia, Washington, 206-872-9696 May 5th-6th Rim of the World, Palmdale, California June 2nd-3rd Susquehanna Trail, Wellsboro, Pennsylvania July 7th-8th Prescott Divisional, Prescott, Arizona July 28th-29th Maine Summer, Rumford, Maine August 25th-26th Ojibwe Forests, Bemidji, Minnesota October 20th-21st Lake Superior PRO Rally, Houghton, Michigan December 1st-2nd Maine Forest, Rumford, Maine
Feburary 11th Sandhills Sandblast (3), Cheraw, South Carolina 18th-19th Doo Wop I & II (3), Olympia, Washington March 4th Northwoods Winter, CENDiv 18th-19th Doo Wop III & IV (1, 2), Olympia, Washington April 21st Sou'Wester (2) 22nd Wild West (3), Olympia, Washington, 206-872-9696 May/July TBA Magnum Cpus (3), CENDiv June 10th Oregon Trail (2), NPDiv August 5th-6th Orv Rallysprints I & II (1, 1) NPDiv
1995 SCCA Road Rally National Championship Schedule as of 12/15/94 National COURSE Rally Mar 18 Highway Robbery California Jeanne English 310 372-7168 Apr 29 Warpath Oklahoma City+ Jim Duea 405-373-1898 May 27 Yucatan Safari Wisc + Mike Thompson 608-788-5018 Jun 10 Chippewa Trail Wisc + Dave Fuss 612-424-4219 Jun 17 Montagne de Fer St. Louis + Ron Ferris 314 921-4488 Sept 2 Oktoberally LaCrosse Wisc+ Mike Thompson 608-788-5018 Oct 8 TBA Mississippi Dave Jameson 602 647-3320 Oct 22 Virginia Creeper Blue Ridge Earl Hutson 703-890-5883 National TOUR Rally Feb 4 Ohio Winter NE Ohio + Tom Kimball 216-371-2832 Feb 25 Great Canyon Tucson Dave Jameson 602 647-3320 Feb 26 Desert Sands Tucson Dave Jameson 602 647-3320 Mar 18 Highway Robbery California Jeanne English 310 372-7168 Apr 15 After While Houston Russell Brown 713 466-6666 Apr 29 Warpath Oklahoma City+ Jim Duea 405-373-1898 May 6 Sunshine Safari Cent Florida Chris Fletcher 407-895-4968 May 27 Yucatan Safari Wisc + Mike Thompson 608-788-5018 Jun 10 Chippewa Trail Wisc + Dave Fuss 612-424-4219 Jun 17 Montagne de Fer St. Louis + Ron Ferris 314 921-4488 Jul 22 Historic NY Rochester NY + Debbi Segall 716-235-5032 Aug 5 Atlantic Tours New England + Gary Webb 207-345-3550 Sep 3 Badger Trails LaCrosse Wisc+ Emmons/van Vleet 608-534-6839 Sep 4 Northern Lights Lacrosse Wisc+ Emmons/van Vleet 608-534-6839 Oct 7 TBA Mississippi Dave Jameson 602 647-3320 Oct 21 Tr Lonesome Pine Roanoke, Va. Earl Hutson 703-890-5883 NOTE: Many Nationals are also counted in Divisional Championships, check with DRRS or organizer. Nationals known to also be part of Divisional Championships are marked +. Divisional Championship Rallies NOTE: Beginning with '95 Divisionals no longer carry National Championship points, only Divisional Championship Points. Feb 11 Snow Flake Tour Rochester NY Debbi Segall 716-235-5032 Feb 25 Moonlight Monte CENDIV Jim Mickle 313-739-6565 Mar 4 Screaming Eagle MIDDIV Jim Heine 314-664-3423 Mar 25 Vertigo IV CENDIV John Hinkle 216-692-1282 Mar 26 NJ Monte No Jersey Joe Kwiatek 908-526-7496 Aug 12 Mt. Ascutney NEDIV Donna Taylor 802-479-2997 Apr 22 Frost Heaves NEDIV Pego Mack 203-633-9134 Jul 22 Smokey Valley MIDDIV Rocky Entriken 913-827-5143 Sep 9 Nebraska Rally MIDDIV Mark Ross 402-571-6220 Sep 9 Highland FLing No Jersey Joe Kwiatek 908-526-7496 Sep 23 Midwest City MIDDIV Leon MacKechnie 405-737-1294 Sep 30 Green Country MIDDIV Garry Deaton 918-492-3602 Oct 15 Catoctin Monte DC Peter Stevens 301-299-4893 Eric Bloom 703-313-8245 Oct 28 Witches Ryde MIDDIV Bruce Bettinger 316-788-3942 Nov 4 Covered Bridge NEDIV Pego Mack 203-633-9134 Nov 11 Thumbs Up CENDIV Jim Mickle 313-739-6565 Nov 11 Sunsetter Blue Mtn Dave Sekella 215-944-0755 U.S. Road Rally Challenge Sept 2 Oktoberally LaCrosse Wisc+ Mike Thompson 608-788-5018 Sep 3 Badger Trails LaCrosse Wisc+ Emmons/van Vleet 608-534-6839 Sep 4 Northern Lights Lacrosse Wisc+ Emmons/van Vleet 608-534-6839 Updates for the National schedule to the SCCA Rally/Solo Department. Updates for the Divisional schedule should go through the DRRS or RRB.