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Bryar Motorsports Park Gallery

Charlie Richardson asked me if I recognized this track from the photos someone took in 1965. I didn't, but the oval-esqe shape around the lake suggested the old Bryar back that was replaced by the modern NHIS. Ted Goddard, an old hand in NER SCCA who ran the track for many years, confirmed this and supplied some captions.

All images are thumbnails, click to see full sized image.

The paddock that was outside turn 10. I believe the driver is Fred Stevenson. -- Ted Goddard
(Malcolm Starr indicates that this is definitely Fred Stevenson, car is a Lotus FC.)

From the spectator area along 9 to 10. -- Ted Goddard

Between turns 1 to 2. -- Ted Goddard

Start taken from timing tower. -- Ted Goddard

Looking back towards turn 10. Taken from tower. -- Ted Goddard

Start taken from timing tower. -- Ted Goddard

Start taken from timing tower. -- Ted Goddard

Start taken from timing tower. -- Ted Goddard

Start taken from timing tower. -- Ted Goddard

From pit in (note no fence in picture) looking back across Turn 10. Spectator area of #2 in near background. The turn 5 flag stand and track from 4 to 6 in the far background. -- Ted Goddard

From pit in (note no fence in picture) looking back across Turn 10. Spectator area of #2 in near background. The turn 5 flag stand and track from 4 to 6 in the far background. -- Ted Goddard

Tentative identification of Ron Stanwick tuning his Cooper Formula Junior (thanks to Malcolm Starr for this id).

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